关 Ⅰ动词1.(使开着的物体合拢) close; shut 关窗户 shut the window; 他随手轻轻地把门关上了。 he closed the door softly behind him.2.(圈起来) shut in; lock up 把鸡关在栅栏里 shut the chickens in a pen; 关进监狱 lock up (in prison); put behind bars; 别把孩子们成天关在屋里。 don't keep the children inside all day. 他把自己关在房里一整天。 he locked himself in the room for a whole day.3.(倒闭; 歇业) close down; go out of business 他们决定把那个分公司关了。 they have decided to close that branch down. 昨天又有两家店铺关了。 two more shops closed down yesterday.4.(发放或领取工资) grant or draw one's pay 关饷 get paid5.(中断) turn off; switch off 关灯 turn off the light; 把暖气关上 -- 屋里太暖和了。 shut the steam off -- it's getting too warm in here.6.(牵连; 关系) involve; concern; connect 关你什么事。 does it concern you?; none of your business. 这不关他的事。 that doesn't concern him.Ⅱ名词1.(守卫处所) pass; check point 出关 go to the other side of a pass; 把关 guard the pass2.(货物出口和入口的收税处) customhouse 海关 customs3.(转折点或难点) turning point or barrier 突破难关 breakthrough the barrier4.(起转折关联作用的部分) critical juncture; mechanism 机关 mechanism; gear5.(姓氏) a surname 关羽 guan yu
Witnesses to the opening of the coffin said the body appeared well - preserved - not in a state of decomposition that one would expect from a body buried 19 years earlier 当时在场的人说棺椁里的尸体保存完好,压根不像已经被埋葬了19年之久的样子。
To the strains of " hail to the chief " and the thunder of cannon - fire , a military honor guard carried president ford ' s casket down the steps of the capitol building 伴随“向领袖致敬”的旋律和礼炮的阵阵轰鸣,士兵仪仗队抬着福特总统的棺椁走出国会大厦。
Historian bruno roy - henry believes british authorities may have removed napoleon ' s remains before his coffin was returned to france in 1840 - and that the body under the gilded dome of les invalides is that of another man 历史学家布鲁诺?罗伊?亨利认为在1840年拿破仑的棺椁运抵法国之前,英国政府已经偷梁换柱,转移了他的遗体,而如今摆放在荣军院金色屋顶下的其实是另一个人的尸体。
Historian bruno roy - henry believes british authorities may have removed napoleon ' s remains before his coffin was returned to france in 1840 - and that the body under the gilded dome of les invalides is that of another man 历史学家布鲁诺罗伊亨利认为在1840年拿破仑的棺椁运抵法国之前,英国政府已经偷梁换柱,转移了他的遗体,而如今摆放在荣军院金色屋顶下的其实是另一个人的尸体。