Effect of exogenous spermine on proteinase and rnase in wheat seedling under water stress 外源精胺对水分胁迫下小麦幼苗蛋白酶和核糖核酸酶活性的影响
Construction and expression of rnase - resisting virus - like particles containing partial sequence of alpha - fetoprotein messenger rna 部分序列的耐核糖核酸酶病毒样颗粒的构建和表达
Although the catalytic activity of angiogenin is rather weak , it is critical for its angiogenic properties 血管生成素的核糖核酸酶活性很弱,但对它的血管生成活性是至关重要的。
Angiogenin belongs to a protein superfamily of rnase . it is the only member being able to stimulate angiogenesis . on the other hand , angiogenin is also the only angiogenic factor known to exhibit ribonucleolytic activity 血管生成素是核糖核酸酶超家族中唯一一个具有促血管生成能力的成员,也是目前已知的所有血管生成因子中独具核糖核酸酶活性的因子。
It is a very basic , single - chain protein with molecular weight about 14 kd . it shares 33 % sequence identity with bovine pancreatic rnasea and has structurally equivalent counterparts for the two histidines and one lysine that comprise the catalytic residues for ribonucleolytic activity 它是由123个氨基酸组成的分子量约为14kd的单链碱性蛋白质,与牛胰核糖核酸酶有33的同源性,两个组氨酸和一个赖氨酸残基组成了血管生成素核糖核酸酶活性中心。
This modification includes : ( 1 ) selecting two important molecules as candidates , ( 2 ) choosing a promiscuous t - cell epitope , and two b - cell epitopes or conserved amino acid sequences from the two important molecules , ( 3 ) connecting them adequately through analysis by the molecule designing software . therefore , the synthetic new antigen may interfere with the process of fertilization by multiple ways and its contraceptive effects may be enhancing . based on the molecule designing methods , the b - lymphocyte cell epitope of sperm / testis specific protein sp17 and cyritestin which interfere with fertilization in mouse , as well as the promiscuous th cell epitope of the ribonuclease ( rnase ) in bovine were selected 本研究以蛋白质分子设计的理论和方法研究避孕疫苗,将sp17和cyritestin关键表位和牛核糖核酸酶非选择性th细胞表位合理组合,获得新抗原- 35肽序列;并在合成、纯化后分别与弗氏佐剂、免疫刺激复合物( iscoms )混合后免疫不同遗传背景的雌性小鼠,观察血清和生殖道内的特异性抗体滴度的动态变化、生育力的改变以及免疫后小鼠重要脏器的组织病理学改变:以及在ivf下,新抗原的特异性抗血清对精卵相互作用的影响及抗原在精子表面的特异性定位。
It interacts with endothelial cells , mediates a number of cellular responses including cell adhesion and invasion , and is translocated to the cell nucleus where it may act on its putative rna substrate . clinical application of angiogenin is closely associated with its potent angiogenic activity 血管生成素可以作用于血管内皮和平滑肌细胞,引起一系列细胞反应,包括:促进靶细胞的增殖,诱导细胞的迁移和侵入,介导细胞粘附,还可以经内吞作用定位于细胞核,发挥其核糖核酸酶活性。
Ribonuclease inhibitor ( ri ) is an acid cytoplasmic protein with the molecular weight of 50 kd . this ubiquitously distributed glycoprotein tightly binds and inhibits ang with a stoichiometry of 1 : 1 . the remarkable affinity of ri and ang supplies an approach to invalid the function of ang which is to stimulate neovascularization 核糖核酸酶抑制因子( ribonucleaseinhibitor , ri )能够以1 : 1的比例结合并抑制ang ,这无疑为我们提供了一条重要的纠正ang引起的新生血管生长失控的途径,从而治疗相关疾病。
With the increase of concentration of aqueous extract from peganum multisectum increased , root vigor , the contents of chlorophyll , soluble protein and nucleic acid in roots and shoots of alfalfa seedlings decreased , while the activities of protease and nuclease , the contents of o2 ( superscript - ) , h2o2 and malondiadehyde ( mda ) increased , the activities of superoxide dismutase ( sod ) , catalase ( cat ) and peroxidase ( pod ) first increased and then decreased 幼苗根系活力和叶绿素、可溶性蛋白质、核酸含量随水浸液浓度的提高而降低,蛋白酶和核糖核酸酶活性及超氧阴离子( o2 (上标- ) ) 、 h2o2和丙二醛( mda )含量则增加,超氧化物歧化酶( sod ) 、过氧化氢酶( cat )和过氧化物酶( pod )活性呈先升后降变化。