海洋研究中心 marine research centre; oceanographic research center
汉学研究中心 center for chinese studies; sinology research center
Nuclear research centres 核研究中心
They are scheduled to visit a five - megawatt reactor , a nuclear fuel fabrication plant and a reprocessing plant in the yongbyon nuclear complex 他们的行程计划是访问平壤核研究中心的一个5兆瓦特的反应堆,一个核加工厂和一个核燃料后处理厂。
They are scheduled to visit a five - megawatt reactor , a nuclear fuel fabrication plant and a reprocessing plant in the yongbyon nuclear complex 他们计划在平壤核研究中心调查一个五兆瓦特的反应堆,一个核燃料制作工厂和一个核燃料后处理工厂。
Berners - lee is recognized as the creator of the world wide web while working for the cern laboratory in the early 1990s , the european center for nuclear research near geneva , switzerland 伯纳尔斯李被公认为万维网的发明者。 20世纪90年代初,他在瑞士日内瓦附近的欧洲粒子物理研究中心实验室工作,那里是欧洲的核研究中心。
Tehran , iran ( ap ) ? iran said sunday that inspectors from the u . n . nuclear watchdog agency would remove seals from some nuclear facilities by monday , opening the way for tehran to resume research on fuel production 美联社伊朗德黑兰电:伊朗方面周日对国际原子能机构表示,他们将从明天星期一开始拆除核研究中心的封条,在和平利用原子能方面重新开始研究。