Design rules for mechanical components of pwr nuclear islemds 压水堆核电厂核岛机械设备设计规范
Design rules for mechanical components of pwr nuclear islands 压水堆核电厂核岛机械设备设计规范
Design and construction rules for nuclear island systems of 2 600mw pwr nuclear power plants 压水堆核电厂核岛系统设计建造规范
Analysis of vibration response data of nuclear reactor structure by blasting vibration 核岛结构物在爆破震动作用下的振动响应数据分析
Discussion on regularity for temperature variation of mass concrete of foundation bed platform of nuclear island 核岛厂房底板大体积混凝土温度变化规律探讨
In the " nuclear island " , heat is produced by nuclear fission in the reactor and delivered by pressurised water in the 核岛内的反应堆会进行核裂变,并产生热力,热力由
Main steam safety valve is the protective device against overpressure in the steam system of nuclear island 主蒸汽安全阀是压水堆核电站核岛内主蒸汽系统的超压保护装置。
In the " nuclear island " , heat is produced by nuclear fission in the reactor and delivered by pressurised water in the 核岛内的反应堆会进行核裂变,并产生热力,热力由
This condensate discharge from the condensers feed water is pumped back to the steam generator in the nuclear island to be converted into steam again 从冷凝器流出的凝结水即给水会泵回核岛内的蒸汽发生器,然后再次转化为蒸汽。
This condensate discharge from the condensers ( feed water ) is pumped back to the steam generator in the nuclear island to be converted into steam again . cooling water for the condensers is taken from the sea via the seawater pumps in the pump house 从冷凝器流出的凝结水(即给水)会泵回核岛内的蒸汽发生器,然后再次转化为蒸汽。在这过程中,蒸气会将涡轮发电机作高速转动(