File locks are allowed , but not retained between checkpoints 文件锁可以,但是对两个校验点之间的文件锁不加保留。
The resumption of the execution of a computer program using the data recorded at a checkpoint [利用校验点处所记录的数据,使计算机程序重新执行。
A checkpoint image is approximately equal to the virtual memory consumed by a job while it runs 一个校验点映像近似于由一项任务在运行期间所消耗的虚拟内存。
A fair amount of disk space must be available on the submitting machine for storing a job ' s checkpoint images 在提交任务的机器上需要一块相当大的磁盘空间用来保存任务的校验点映像。
If disk space is short , a special checkpoint server can be designated for storing all the checkpoint images for a pool 如果磁盘空间短缺,那么可以指派一个专用校验点服务器来存储某个机群中的所有校验点映像。