Ninety-five percent of the new seedlings have survived . 新栽的树苗95%都已成活。
The old apple trees must be grubbed up and young ones planted . 该把老苹果树挖掉,栽种小树苗。
They have prehensile lips for feeding on leaves and saplings . 它们都具有能卷握东西的嘴唇,可用于取食树叶和树苗。
Some were seedlings when troy fell, and already giants when rome was founded . 有些树在希腊神话中特洛伊城陷落的时候还是树苗,到罗马建立时已是庞然大物了。
Then he stopped selling plants entirely and began to study the laws of heredity-the ways in which living things pass on their own characteristics to later generations . 他完全停止出售树苗,而转向研究遗传规律--即生物如何把自己的特性遗传给下一代。
Our little seedlings are in very good hands 我们这里的小树苗都会被好好照顾的。
Ninety - five percent of the new seedlings have survived 新栽的树苗95 %都已成活。
The young plants should be set out three feet apart 树苗应该每隔三英尺就摆置一株。
Way to go , sprout ! - that ' s my boy , alan 走吧,小树苗-我的兄弟,艾伦
A nursery is where young plants and trees are raised 在苗圃里是培育树苗和植物的地方。