树种 1.(树木的种类) varieties of trees2.(树木的种子) seeds of trees
组成 form; make up; compose; formation; composition; configuration; make-up; compo 水的组成 the composition of water; 组成统一战线 form a united front; 他们组成了一个英语初级班。 they formed a group for beginners in english. 委员会由教授和工程师组成。 the committee was composed of professors and engineers.; 组成部分 integrant; (混合物的) ingredient
Whereas , for the natural forest consisted of native species , the niche overlap was low and the interspecies relationship was harmonious . the composition structure of community thereby was more stable 而由本地树种组成的天然林,生态位重叠小,种间关系协调,群落组成结构的稳定性更高。
Thinning stands with the thinning intensity of about 20 % and 30 % had no significant effects on species diversity , biomass of shrub and herb , and physical properties of soil 各林分的树种组成在12年间基本没有发生变化,即间伐没有显著地改变林分的树种组成,目前的树种组成即落叶松、其他针叶树(云杉、冷杉和红松)和阔叶树组成比约为6 : 3 : 1可能是相对稳定的群落。
Based on investigation of natural forest vegetation in chaoguanxigou watershed of rocky mountain area of north of china , the composition of species , structure of dbh of trees and species diversity of trees and shrubs in the course of forest succession are researched 摘要基于华北土石山区潮关西沟流域天然森林植被调查的基础上,对森林植被群落演替中群落树种组成、胸径结构和生物多样性变化进行了研究。
Experimental plots were established for thinning effects on stand and tree growth , tree species composition , species diversity and soil factors etc . in the mixed larch - spruce - fir stands which originated from planted larch pure forest by observations for 12 years after thinning 摘要以15块人工落叶松纯林演化后形成的落叶松云冷杉混交林为对象,间伐后12年观测结果,研究间伐对林分和树木生长、树种组成、物种多样性及土壤等因子的影响。