- labeled substrate
- labelled substrate
- 标记 tab; sign; stamp; peg; label ...
- 底 bottom; base
- 物 thing; matter; object
- 标记底物荧光免疫分析 substrate labelled immunofluorescent assay
- 底物 substrate constant; substratum; zymolyte
- 底物标记荧光免疫测定法 subtrate-labeled fluorescent immunoassay
- 底物标记荧光免疫分析 substrate-labelled fluorescent immunoassay
- 底物;基质 substrate
- 膏底物 cream base
- 共底物 cosubstrate
- 基质,底物 su trate; substrate
- 假底物 counterfeit substrate
- 酶底物 enzyme substrate; zymolyte
- 标记 (标志; 记号; 货物标记) tab; sign; stamp; peg; label; mark; flag; blip; notation; fleck; track; branding; marker; tag; symbol 探清地雷, 作出标记 locate the landmines and mark their location; 作为标记 serve as a mark; 标记编码 label coding; 标记处理 label processing; 标记点 gauge point; 标记法 labelling method; notation; 标记文件 tab file
- 显色底物,生色底物 chromogenic substrate
- 氨基底物 aimnosubstrate; aminosubstrate
- 错配底物 alternative substrate
- 底物常数 substrate constant
- 底物蛋白 substrate protein
- 底物调节酶 homotropic enzyme
- 底物结合 substrate binding catalysis and product release; substrate binding, catalysis, and product release
- 底物磷酸化 substrate phosphorylation
- 底物浓度 concentration of substrate
- 底物特异性 substrate specificity; substratespecificity
- 底物污泥 substrate sludge