德国牧羊犬 german shephard dog; german shepherd dog; germen shepherd dog
The collie is an intelligent dog , easily trained to control sheep 柯利牧羊犬是智慧型的狗,容易训练来看守羊群。
Although the resemblance between the shetland sheepdog and the rough collie is marked , there are differences which may be noted 虽然,喜乐蒂牧羊犬与柯利牧羊犬之间的相同点非常明显,但两者间的差别也很清晰。
The shetland sheepdog , like the collie , traces to the border collie of scotland , which , transported to the shetland islands and crossed with small , intelligent , longhaired breeds , was reduced to miniature proportions 喜乐蒂牧羊犬与柯利牧羊犬非常相象,其血统还可以追述到苏格兰边境牧羊犬流落到喜乐蒂岛的时期,当时,苏格兰边境牧羊犬与体型较小的、聪明的、长毛型犬交配,并得到缩小比例的品种。