partly to a certain degree/extent
Ice crystals begin to deform measurably . 冰晶就产生某种程度 的变形了。 He was, in a way, immensely accessible . 在某种程度 上说,他还是极其容易接近的。 All of these were in some measure inadequate . 所有这些都在某种程度 上难以使他满足。 Traditionally it embodies a degree of deference . 从传统上来说它体现某种程度 的服从。 His orders were issued into a vacuum, so to speak . 他的命令在某种程度 上等于一纸空文。 To some extent, i can understand their attitude . 我在某种程度 上是能够理解他们的态度的。 It might somehow screw up his next project . 可能在某种程度 上他的下一个工程项目就要砸锅。 All organs have some degree of collateral circulation . 所有的器官都有某种程度 的侧支循环。 All organisms display some degree of general resistance . 一切有机体都有某种程度 的一般抗性。 Surely some degree of elasticity could be arranged . 无疑地,某种程度 的伸缩余地是留得出来的。