Never hold a gun by the business end . 拿枪千万别拿枪口那端。
He moved the gun onto the others . 他转过枪口去扫射别人。
He placed the muzzle of the pistol between his teeth . 他把手枪的枪口放在牙齿中间。
The cold sharp nose of the revolver suddenly punched her neck . 这时冰冷的枪口突然触到她的头颈上。
Keep them covered ! 把枪口对准他们。
David tugged again and the muzzle slipped from faber's grasp . 大卫猛地一拉,枪口终于从费伯的手中滑脱了。
Then, quite suddenly, he lowered the gun and leaned down to take a better look . 忽然他放低了枪口,弯下身仔细地瞧了一眼。
He directed it to where he had seen the japanese gunfire and loosed a volley . 他把枪口对准他刚才见过的日本人的火力点,打了一梭子。
The men have been turned loose in the fields to forage like goats under the guns . 这些人被解散,在枪口下象山羊一样在田地里寻找可吃的东西。
At that instant, with the shotgun pointed at his belly and david's finger curling around the trigger, faber felt very close to death . 霎那间,枪口对准了费伯的肚子,大卫的手指放在板机上。费伯立即意识到,死亡近在咫尺。