- 喜爱 like; love; be fond of; be k ...
- 为喜 tameki; tameyoshi
- 极为 awful; deadly; pesky; plaguy; precious; something; thrice; too
- 喜爱 like; love; be fond of; be keen on 喜爱户外活动 be keen on outdoor activities; 喜爱古典音乐 be fond of classical music; 展出品深受参观者的喜爱。 the exhibits took the fancy of the visitors
- 化悲为喜 turn one's sadness into joy; change [convert] one's sorrow into joy; turn one's sorrow into happiness
- 使大为喜乐 delight
- 我为喜剧狂 30 rock
- 转悲为喜 change one's sorrow into joy; one's sorrow began to turn to joy
- 转忧为喜 change from sorrow to joy
- 转嗔为喜 change one's initial ill-humour into a feeling of satisfaction; the anger on someone's face gives way to joy
- 无限,极为 know no bounds
- 爱;喜爱 love
- 爱好,喜爱 be fond of
- 不喜爱 disrelish
- 多喜爱 dohia
- 很喜爱 get pleasure out of enjoy greatly
- 极喜爱 very keen on
- 金喜爱 hie-ae kim; kim hee ae
- 使喜爱 take the fancy of
- 受喜爱 ace high
- 我喜爱 i love
- 喜爱, 爱好 be fond of
- 喜爱,渴望 (be)keen on
- 喜爱,喜欢 affection; be fond of
- 喜爱,照顾 care for