- 松弛 limp; flabby; slack; loose
- 电路 circuit; electric circuit; e ...
- 松弛电力 electric force of relaxation
- 松弛 1.(松; 不紧张) limp; flabby; slack; loose 松弛一下肌肉 relax the muscles; 肌肉松弛 flabby [flaccid] muscles; 松弛地垂下 hang down loosely; 松弛的绳子 a slack rope2.(执行得不严格) lax 纪律松弛 be under lax discipline
- 超松弛 overrelaxation; ssor
- 磁松弛 magnetic relaxation
- 带松弛 belt sag
- 低松弛 underrelaxation
- 放松,松弛 nat relax
- 干松弛 dry relaxation
- 肌松弛 muscular relaxation
- 块松弛 block relaxation
- 链松弛 chain relaxation
- 群松弛 group relaxation
- 热松弛 thermal relaxation
- 使松弛 loosen; sag; slacken
- 松弛,放松 relax
- 松弛dna relaxed dna
- 松弛;舒张 relaxation
- 松弛比 ratio of slack
- 松弛表 loose list; relaxation table
- 松弛部 flaccid part; flaccid portion; pars flaccida
- 松弛的 bagged; flabby; flaccida; loose; schlapp adj; slack; unbraced
- 松弛地 flabbilyrelaxedly; loosely; slackly
- 松弛度 degree of relaxation; slackness