The operation of summing is represented by the nodes . 求和的运算是通过节点来表示的。
According to the normal practice, the genes will be represented by letters . 根据一般的惯例,基因是用字母来表示的。
Levels of mass poverty are indicated by the income distribution in the country . 民众贫困的水平是通过该国的收入分配来表示的。
The "mark" or "space" condition is represented by the voltage between two wires . “传号”或“空号”条件是由两条线之间的电压来表示的。
Terrestrial longitude is measured in degrees east or west of the greenwich meridian . 地球的经度是被格林威治子午线向东或向西以度数来表示的。
Although it is not frequently depicted in a transfer-function diagram, the two-axis gyro may be conveniently so represented . 虽然双轴陀螺不常用传递函数图来描述,但它是可以很方便地这样来表示的。
The sinuosity or sinuosity ratio of a stream is expressed as the ratio of the length along the center line of the stream to the length along the valley . 一条河流的弯曲率或弯曲比,是以沿该河中心线与沿其河谷长度之比来表示的。
Recall that we use a log scale to tell how bright a star is 曾介绍过恒星的亮度是以对数尺度来表示的,例如假若恒星甲的
Assets are the economic resources of a business that can usefully be expressed in monetary terms 资产是企业可以有效地用货币来表示的经济资源。
A fault threshold expressed in terms of the number of faults in a prescribed period of time 以“在规定的时间间隔内出现的”故障次数来表示的一种故障阀值。