- 来回 make a round trip; make a re ...
- 双向 two-way
- 来回 1.(往复一次) make a round trip; make a return journey; go to a place and come back 打来回儿 make a round trip; 从我家到学校来回要走半小时。 it takes half an hour to go on foot from my home to my school and back.2.(往复多次) back and forth; to and fro 来回摇摆 oscillate; vacillate; 他在游泳池里游了五个来回。 he swam back and forth five times up and down the swimming pool.3.(周期; 循环) cycle; 来回飞行 round-trip flight; 来回票 return ticket; round-trip ticket
- 双向 two-way◇双向采煤 bidirectional cutting; 双向操作 bidirectional operation; 双向测向[角]计 double goniometer; 双向传感器 bilateral transducer; 双向传声器 bidirectional microphone; 双向传输 two-way transmission; 双向电动机 [电工] reversing motor; 双向电话 two-way telephone; 双向电流 bidirectional current; duo-directional-current; 双向电视 two-way television; 双向对流 bilateral flow; 双向二极管 bilateral diode; 双向飞碟射击 skeet shooting; 双向加速器 two-way accelerator; 双向交换 two-way alternate; 双向交通 two-way traffic; 双向开关 two-way switch; bidirectional switch; change-over switch; 双向拉伸机 biaxial orientation stretching machine; 双向犁 hillside plough; swivel plough; 双向排水 double drainage; 双向天线 [讯] bilateral antenna; janus; 双向通道 duplex channel; two-wire channel; two-way channel; 双向通信 two-way communication; 双向同步加速器 two-way synchrotron; 双向无线电通信系统 two-way radio system; 双向信道 two-way channel
- 来回,往复 back and forth
- 来回程 round trip; round voyage; round-trip
- 来回地 back and forth; backwards and forwards; to and fro; toandfro
- 来回缝 french seam
- 来回票 day ticket; return ticket, roundtriticket; round trip ticket
- 来回线 go-and-return-line
- 来回音 to and fro sound
- 来回掷 bandy
- 来回走 back and forth; casting about
- 上下,来回 uand down
- 往返, 来回 out and home
- 〔主英〕来回票。 return ticket
- 打来回儿 make a round trip
- 反复地,来回地 back and forth
- 开关;(来回)切换 toggle
- 来回摆动 oscillating; to-and-fro movement; waggle
- 来回奔走 beat up and down
- 来回车票 return ticket /round-triticket
- 来回程租船 return voyage charter; round-tricharter
- 来回弹跳 bounce bout
- 来回的动 bob