The tone of the note surprised the young man . 这条子的语气使年轻人吃了一惊。
The auditors will untangle all those records . 查帐员会把所有这些条子进行清理。
Naturally the delegates itched to see the note . 自然,代表们都渴望看到那张条子。
I left a message so as to be sure of contacting her . 我留下了张条子以便与她取得联系。
I shall, therefore, give him a hint by a line to oxford . 因此我准备往牛津个条子给他一个暗示。
"you had my note?" he asked with a deep harsh voice . “你收到我写的条子了吗?”他问道,声音深沉沙哑。
I tried to slip the note to him which the teacher was n't looking . 我想趁老师不注意时把条子偷偷递给他。
When martin read the message, it was a half hour before noon, and he reacted with shock and fear . 马丁读到这条子时是上午十一点半,他的反应是震惊、担心。
Then he remembered that in writing to madame olenska he had been kept by excess of discretion from saying that he wished to see her privately . 这时他想起在给奥兰斯卡夫人写条子的时候,他用十二分的克制,没说出要和她单独会面。
By the way , i just loved them no chilly myself 顺便说一下我留了条子来提醒你自己
条子的韩语:[명사] (1)가늘고 긴 물건. 纸条子; (종이) 쪽지 布条子; 가는 천 조각 (2)글 쪽지. 쪽지. 메모. 写一个条子; 쪽지를 하나 쓰다 (3)옛날, 기생을 부르는 호출장. 发fā条子; (기생을 부르는) 호출장을 내어 기생을 부르다 =叫条子 (4)(청탁이나 압력을 위해) 상관이 부하에게 내던 간단한 명령서. 下条子; (앞과 같은) 명령서를...
条子的俄语:[tiáozi] 1) полоска (напр., ткани) 2) записка