- 条件 condition; term; factor
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 消灭 perish; die out; pass away
- 病的消灭 eradication of disease
- 合同的消灭 discharge of contract
- 债的消灭 extinction of obligation
- 抵押权的消灭 extinction of mortgage; extinction of right to
- 条件的 conditional
- 船舶抵押的消灭 extinguishments of the mortgage of the ship
- 船舶所有权的消灭 extinction of ownershiof ships; extinction of ownership of ships
- 诉讼时效的消灭 extinction of an action
- 非条件的 unconditioned
- 符合条件的 eligible
- 附带条件的 provisory
- 附条件的 conditional
- 附有条件的 tied
- 够条件的 qualified
- 零零条件的 zero zero
- 条件的不朽 conditional immortality
- 条件的产生 creation of condition
- 条件的解释 construction of the conditions
- 无条件的 absolute; categorical; discretionary; god as an unconditionally; termless; unbedingt adv; uncondictional; unconditioned; uncoonditional; unqualified; unreserved; utter
- 无条件的爱 agape; anael unconditional love; never just for a ring; unconditional love
- 有条件的 conditioned; provisory (conditional; provisional ) - unconditional
- 有条件的免 conditionally exempt