- error in substantia
- errori u tantia
- 材料 material
- 错误 wrong; mistaken; incorrect; ...
- 物质 matter; substance; material
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 材料错误 wrong material
- 对特性和性质的错误 error circa indolem et naturam; errorcircaindolemetnaturam
- 法律行为性质的错误 errow in negotia
- 常犯的错误 20.a common mistake
- 常见的错误 a common error
- 程序的错误 bug
- 出现的错误 defect
- 法律的错误 error of law
- 反常的错误 anomalous error
- 荒谬的错误 clanger
- 绝大的错误 egregious error
- 可能的错误 possible errors
- 可笑的错误 boner
- 美丽的错误 a wonderful error; bella idiota
- 明显的错误 a gross error injustice etc; manifest error
- 所犯的错误 the mistake made
- 天大的错误 biggest mistake
- 完美的错误 a perfect mistake
- 显著的错误 conspicuous error
- 小小的错误 a trivial mistake loss offence
- 严重的错误 a grievous error fault sin crime etc; i've made a few