- 杆状 rhabditiform
- 物 thing; matter; object
- 杆状 rhabditiform◇杆状病毒 rhabdovirus; 杆状细胞 rhabdocyte
- 杆状胞 ingestion rod
- 杆状簿 baculovirus
- 杆状的 bacillary; bacilliform; baculiform; band form; band-form; band-shaped; rhabdoid; rhadbitiform; rod like; rod shaped; rod-shaped
- 杆状骨 baculum
- 杆状核 band form nucleus; stab nucleus
- 杆状菌 bacillus; bacilus; rod bacterium
- 杆状体 rhabdite; rhabdoid; rod body
- 杆状图 bar chart; pole chart; stickplot
- 杆状型 rhabditis form; rhabditis-form; staff form
- 杆状指 drumstick-fingers
- 指杆状 finger grid
- 鞍状物 saddle
- 棒状物 club
- 杯状物 cup
- 鼻状物 nose
- 臂状物 brachiate
- 叉状物 crotch; prong
- 匙状物 spoon
- 齿状物 teeth; tooth; tusk
- 簇状物 cluster
- 带状物 belt; fillet; riband; ribbon; strip
- 袋状物 bag
- Maybe thousands of mine shafts
蜂窝结构的杆状物 - Maybe thousands of mine shafts