

  • impurity state



  • 例句与用法
  • Donor states in semiconductor quantum wells
  • Ground state energy of a pollution state in polyatomic polar crystals
  • Also , the different temperature dependence between the sidebands of nni and the zero phonon line indicates there might exist other n impurity states
    或许正是这些杂质态的存在,降低了样品的热激活能。在组分从x = 0 . 24 %到x绍
  • Though they discuss the impurity in the qwws under the electric field in more ditail , they localized the square gaas / ga _ ( 0 . 63 ) al _ ( 0 . 37 ) as qwws with the infinite potential barrier case
  • In the past 20 years , impurity state in low dimensional semiconductor structures have been studied extensively . impurites play an important role in the transport properties and optical properties of these structures
  • In the past 20 years , hydrogenic impurities in low dimensional semiconductor structures have been studied extensively . impurities play an important role in the transport properties and optical properties of these structures
  • In the second part , we discuss the binding energy of the impurity in finite gaas / gai . xalxas quantum wire in the first place , in which the dismatch of effective mass and dielectric constant between the well and the barrier is taken into account
    在第二部分,首先讨论了有限深gaas ga _ ( 1 - x ) al _ xas量子阱线中杂质态的束缚能,其中考虑到了阱垒中电子有效质量及材料中介电常数的失配性。
  • ( 3 ) the electric field breaks the energy degeneracy for symmetrical impurity position in the well , the results show that the redshift and blueshift of the impurity stark energy shift as the impurity position . ( 4 ) under the same external electric field , the impurity stark energy shift is obviously different with the different aspect ratio of the quantum well wires
    ( 3 )当施主离子位于势阱中不同位置时,零电场下量子阱线中的杂质态是关于施主离子位置中心对称的简并态,在外加电场作用下发生能级分裂,这种简并不再存在;杂质的stark能移由于施主离子位置的不同表现为红移或蓝移。
  • We discuss the qcse of the impurity in the finite square qwws considering impurity position , and raise a point of the qcse under the influence of the masses mismatch and the aspect ratio of the quantum well wires . without considersion of the mismatch of the effective masses between the well and barrier , we obtain the conclusion as follows : ( l ) the first band energy of the electron is decreased under the electric field
    在前人工作的基础上,我们在有效质量近似下讨论了外加电场下有限深方形gaas ga _ ( 0 . 63 ) al _ ( 0 . 37 ) as量子阱线的杂质态和杂质的stark能移,并把我们的结果与前人的结果进行了比较。
  • 2 . in this paper , the continuity of the wavefunction and of its derivative divided by the band - mass can be satisfied and the number of the terms is small when calculating the energies of the single electron in a square quantum wire with finite barriers , then this wavefunction can also be selected as the envelope function in studying the impurity states and the excitons in the square quantum wires with finite barriers
    2 .由于本文所取波函数满足波函数的连续性条件和粒子流的守恒条件,并且计算有限深方形量子线中单电子的能量时需要展开的项数较少,故此波函数也可选为有限深方形量子线中杂质态、激子等问题的包络函数。
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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