Our factory with great manufacturing and processing capacity possesses metal pressing workshop , pressing machinge worshop , silica gel workshop and foaming & folwer - pressing workshop 我厂拥有:金属冲压车间、压机车间、硅胶车间、发泡压花车间、装配整理车间等,具有很强的制作加工能力。
Some short comings in air conditioning air jet loom workshop are explored with technical means to raise the air conditioning efficiency , reduce dust in the workshop and satisfy the weaving processing put forward in this article 摘要介绍了喷气织机车间空调存在的缺陷和进行技术改造的方法,改造后提高了空调效率,减少了车间粉尘,从而满足了工艺参数的要求。
One day he was leaning on the railing of the engine - room , and was observing the engine , when a sudden pitch of the steamer threw the screw out of the water . the steam came hissing out of the valves ; and this made passepartout indignant 有一天他伏在机车间的栏杆上,看着这架有时象发怒似的大机器在飞快转动,这时由于船身急剧地前后颠簸,推进器一露出水面就飞快地空转,于是活塞的运动就引起蒸汽不停地劈拍爆炸。