- 本能 instinct; born ability
- 欲 desire; longing; wish
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 随心所欲的 arbitrary; architecture / 5a:kitektfe; go-as-you-please
- 随心所欲的,武断的 arbitrary
- 不被规则所束缚, 随心所欲的 go-as-you-please
- 所欲 ft10h; fyi; sosfeng
- 环能所 eesi
- 节能所 iiec
- 本能 instinct; born ability 好奇本能instinct of curiosity; 阶级本能class instinct 模仿本能instinct of imitation; 本能行为instinctive behaviour; 本能行为障碍 instinctive behaviour disturbance; 本能中枢 instinctive centre
- 催欲的 aphrodisiac
- 禁欲的 abstinentmonachalmonasticalmonkishpuritanicpuritanical; ascetic; continent; voluptuary gt
- 情欲的 erotogenic/passional; passional
- 肉欲的 animal; brutal; brute; carnal; earthly; fleshly; sensual
- 食欲的 appetitive
- 贪欲的 concupiscentrapacious; greedy; lustful; rapacious
- 无欲的 unselfish
- 性欲的 erogenous; erotic; erotosexual; venery
- 意欲的 appetent
- 制欲的 anaphrodisiac; antaphrodisiac; anterotic; antiaphrodisiac
- 畅所欲为 do whatever one wants [likes]; do all that one wishes to do
- 畅所欲言 speak one's mind freely [without reticence]; air one's views freely; assert without any restraint; express one's opinions [views] freely; express oneself with zest and gusto; have one's say; say out one's say; say exactly as the mind dictates; speak freely [outright; without any inhibitions]; speak one's piece; speak out freely; speak straight from one's heart; state one's views unreservedly; talk to one's heart's content
- 从心所欲 have whatever one's heart desires; do as one pleases; free-wheeling
- 己所欲,施于人 do unto others as you would have them do unto you
- 让顾客所欲 give your customers what they want