本来 1.(原有的)original 本来的意思original meaning; original intention;事物本来的辩证法 the dialectics inherent in things2.(原先;先前)originally; at first 他本来准备学物理的,但后来改变了主意。he wanted to study physics at first, but he changed his mind later. 在处理这件事情上,他们本来是可以避免使用武力的。they could have avoided resorting to force in dealing with the matter.3.(理所当然)it goes without saying; of course; naturally 本来就该这样办。of course it should be handled that way. 你昨晚本来无需来的。you need not have come last night
I did not think rightly of you - i did not see you as you were “从前我错怪你了我不是把你看成本来的你! ”
" let the world know you as you are , not as you think you should be , because sooner or later , if you are posing , you will forget the pose , and then where are you ? "让世界了解本来的你,而不是你自认为的那样.因为迟早你会忘记佯装,那时的你在哪儿呢?
For as long as knowledge means description in terms of what is already known , perceptual , or conceptual , there can be no such thing as self - knowledge , for what you are cannot be described , except as except as total negation 知识尽其量只能够描述已知的、感觉或概念中的事物,并没有所谓我的知识,因为除了完全的否定,本来的你不可能被描述。
For as long as knowledge means descr ption in terms of what is already known , perceptual , or conceptual , there can be no such thing as self - knowledge , for what you are cannot be described , except as except as total negation 知识尽其量只能够描述已知的、感觉或概念中的事物,并没有所谓我的知识,因为除了完全的否定,本来的你不可能被描述。