分行 branch (of a bank) 国内分行 home branch; domestic branch; 国外分行 overseas branch; 中国人民银行大连分行 dalian branch of the chinese people's bank
本地 this locality; local; native 本地法local law; 本地风光 local colour [scenery]; 本地风俗 local customs; 本地货local goods; native goods; 本地口音local accent; 本地新闻 local items; local news; 我是本地人。 i'm a native of this place;i was born here
These 202 authorized institutions operate a comprehensive network of 1 , 313 local branches 这202家认可机构合共经营1 , 313家本地分行,组成大的服务网络。
Review by internal auditors from head office parent bank to ensure local management are observing group policy on year 2000 compliance ; and 由总办事处母行的内部核数师进行覆核,确保本地分行管理层
Lb has an extensive domestic branch network and maintains a presence in 18 countries including the netherlands , switzerland , japan and the usa 在英国拥有广泛的本地分行网络,并于十八个国家经营业务,其中包括荷兰瑞士日本和美国。
A virtual bank can establish one or more local branches to supplement its cyber network provided that approval under section 44 of the ordinance has been obtained from the ma 虚拟银行可设立一家或以上的本地分行,以补足其电子分行网络,但必须先行根据条例第44条取得金融管理专员的批准。
Founded in 1933 , hang seng bank , a principal member of the hsbc group , is the second - largest locally - incorporated bank in hong kong and employs a staff of about 7 , 500 in its 156 local branches ; its guangzhou and shanghai branches ; and its representative offices in beijing , shenzhen and xiamen 恒生银行于一九三三年创立,目前为汇丰集团之主要成员,并为本地注册之第二大银行,有约七千五百名员工分别服务于一百五十六间本地分行、广州分行及上海分行,以及北京、深圳与厦门代表处。