He invested the adi granth ( or granth sahib ) as the immortal guru of the sikhs and also compiled his writings in the dasam granth 他授予《阿第格兰斯》 (或称为《本初经》 )为锡克教不朽的古鲁,也把他的著作编纂入《第十经》里去。
The real masters of a city is exactly its residents , its they who can appreciate the values of local cultural identity . so when public space which hold the daily lives of common people contains great significance in transmitting context , and reflect the concept of humanity eyesight 城市真正的主人是这些普通人,而真正体验、感受地域文脉价值的人也是他们,因此容纳普通大众日常生活的城市公共空间也就蕴含着传达地域文脉本初价值的重要意义,而人性的观念也在这看似朴素平常的空间中得到体现。