- 精华 cream; essence; anima; elite ...
- 木槿 althea; hibiscus syriacus; hibiscussyriacus; rose mallow; rose of sharon
- 精华 cream; essence; anima; elite; choice; quintessence 中国古典文学的精华 the cream of the chinese classical literature; 去其糟粕, 取其精华 discard the dross and select the essence; 国家的精华 the cream of a nation; 这些拔尖的学生成了班级的精华。 the cream of the class is made up of the best students
- 木槿花 hibiscus syriacus; mujinhua flos hibisci syriaci; shrub althea flower; shrubalthea flower
- 木槿皮 mujinpi cortex hibisci syriaxi
- 木槿属 hibiscus
- 木槿紫 mauveine
- 木槿籽 musk seed
- 木槿子 mujinzi fructus hibisci syriaci
- 木槿苷 hibiscitrin
- 木槿甙 hibiscitrin
- 碱性木槿紫 mauveine
- 木槿花园 hibiscus garden
- 木槿黄素 hibiscetin
- 木槿黄酮 hebiscetin; hebiscetion
- 木槿线纹簿 hibiscus line pattern virus
- 【植物;植物学】木槿属。 rose mallow
- 马霍木槿纤维 mahaut fibre
- 木槿花科蔬菜 mallow vegetable
- 木槿线纹病毒 hibiscus line pattern virus
- 艾精华 mugwort extract
- 骨精华 bone essense
- 骨髓;精华 marrow
- 花,精华 flower
- 火精华 essence of fire