- 期货 futures; forward
- 总额 total sum; amount; total; th ...
- 进货总额 gross purchases
- 销货总额 gross sales
- 销货总额法 total sales method
- 销售货总额 gross sales
- 未交货的订货总额 backlog order
- 纯益与销货总额比率 ratio of net income to net sales
- 总额 total sum; amount; total; the total amount; gross; footing 存款总额 total deposits; 工资总额 total wages
- 期货 [经] futures; forward 做期货交易 deal in futures; 期货汇率 forward exchange rate; 期货合同 futures contract; forward contract; 期货汇兑合同 forward exchange contract; futures exchange contract; 期货汇率 forward rate; 期货价格 forward price; futures price; 期货交易 dealing in futures; futures trading; forward trading; forward business; futures business; 期货交易所 futures exchange; 期货卖方抢购 short squeeze; 期货市场 terminal market; futures market; option market; forward market; market for futures; 期货选择买卖市场 option market; 期货溢价 contango; 期货佣金商 futures commission merchant
- 存货总帐 stock control account
- 进货总帐 bought ledger; invoice ledger
- 售货总帐 sold ledger
- 销货总成本 gross cost of merchandise sold; gross costs of merchandise sold
- 载货总量 total amount on board; total on board
- 期货,期货契约 futures
- 远期货,期货 forward
- 月总额 monthly totals
- 总额,总计 aggregate; total amount
- 总额;数量 amount
- 总额法 gross price
- 总计,总额 sum; total
- 总数,总额 total
- 船舶装货总空间 stowage space
- 存货总帐;存货控制帐 stock control account