- 期望 hope; expectation
- 重 weight
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 期望重对数 expected loglog
- 德高望重的人 sage
- 德高望重的老人 a grand old man
- 城市中德高望重的元老 city fathers
- 村中德高望重的前辈 the village elders ie the old and respected people of the village
- 德高望重的政界元老们 an august body of elder statesmen
- 期望 1.(抱有希望的想法) hope; expectation 辜负某人的期望 disappoint one's expectations; 不辜负某人的期望 come up to sb.'s expectations; 寄予很大的期望 place high hopes on; 他辜负了朋友们的期望。 he did not answer the expectations of his friends. 我们对他抱着很大的期望。 we have great expectations of him.2.(希望; 期待) hope; expect; wish 期望得到荣誉 desire honour; 期望和平 wish for peace; 对某人期望很大 expect much from sb.; 不要对他期望太大。 do not expect too much of him. 我期望见到我的舅舅。 i expect to see my uncle.; 期望收益 expected revenue; 期望值 expected value
- 重的 burdensome; dense; diploid; fl full; heaviest; heavy /light; hefty; hy heay; massive; massy; ponderous - lively; weighty
- 德高望重 be of noble character and high prestige; enjoy high prestige and command universal respect; have a high virtue and a glorious name; with a lofty virtue worthy of respect 德高望重的老人 a grand old man
- 功高望重 highly meritorious and respectable
- 年高望重 be full of years and honour;aged and celebrated
- 希望重现 hope is born again
- 资深望重 one's reputation is distinguished
- 德高才能望重 text character counts
- 被期望 be supposed to
- 对…期望 expect of
- 零期望 zero expectation
- 期待,期望 expected
- 期盼,期望 look forward to
- 期望,期待 erwartung, die;-en
- 期望,要求 desire verb
- 期望,预期 anticipate v. expect