- 有 5年 fifteen years
- 铁箍 agrafe; iron hoop
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 木桶 vat; the wood; kit; bowie
- 加有铁箍的桶 a barrel bound with iron hoops
- 包铁箍的磨盘 banded stone
- 升的木桶里 those goods are available in strong wooden drums of 1 2 5 and litres
- 带铁箍的磨盘石 banded stone
- 另金属箍的木材 armored wood
- 箍的 banded
- 铁箍 agraf(f)e; iron hoop
- 木桶 vat; the wood; [英方] kit; [苏格兰] bowie
- 几只滚动在工作台上的木桶互相碰撞 the casks rolling about on the desk knocked against one another
- 加箍的 rung
- 铁箍棒 lathee
- 铁箍带 iron band; steel band
- 铁箍散 ceylon houndstongue leaf or root-bark
- 大木桶 barrel; wooden cask
- 胶木桶 bakelite drum
- 木桶板 barrel stave; barrelwood
- 木桶伯 dikembe mutombo
- 木桶箍 cask hoop; quarter hoop
- 木桶架 gantry; gauntry
- 木桶味 cask smell; wood taste
- 桶;木桶 cask