- 有趣 interesting; fascinating; am ...
- 人 human being; man; person; pe ...
- 有趣之物 attraction
- 有趣 interesting; fascinating; amusing 一本有趣的故事书 an interesting storybook; 有趣的游戏 a fascinating game; an exciting game; 嘻, 你这人真有趣。 you amuse me
- 之人 a man for all seasons
- 更有趣 much interesting
- 呵呵,有趣 it' it's funny; s funny
- 很有趣 that’s interesting
- 蛮有趣 quite interesting
- 太有趣 too fun
- 有趣的 amusement(amusing); amusive; arresting; colorful; cunning; diverting; divertive; entertaining a. amusing; exciting; funny; interested; interesting; intriguing; juicy; laughable; live; merry; pretty; rorty
- 有趣地 divertingly; enjoyably; entertainingly; funnily; interestingly
- 真有趣 funning things
- 常去…之人 goer n
- 伊之人 inoto
- 之人也 this type of man
- 粗鄙之人、鲁莽之人 a bad tempered or bad mannered person
- 非常有趣 very interesting
- 非常有趣的 absorbing; priceless; rare
- 分外有趣 extremely amusing
- 感到有趣 please
- 很有趣的事 great fun
- 滑冰很有趣 skating is interesting
- 滑稽的,有趣的 be funny
- 极为有趣的 very amusing