Anything but his death, i told you from the first . 我对你有言在先,别的怎么都行,就是不要他死。
But i warn you , i want to be free to do whatever i choose , without having to tell you anything about the life i lead “我有言在先,只要我喜欢,我要怎么着就怎么着,我不会把我的生活琐事告诉您的。
But despite a warning that “ there is a good deal of science in the book , as much as can be accommodated without the machinery of equations ” , the story neglects the physics 但是,尽管有言在先“本书通篇以科学为要,兼容并包而(对各门学科)未加平衡” ,物理学还是被忽略了。
Before commencing , it is but fair to warn you that the story will sound somewhat hackneyed in your ears ; but stale details often regain a degree of freshness when they pass through new lips 开场之前,我有言在先,这个故事在你的耳朵听来恐怕有些陈腐,但是过时的细节从另一张嘴里吐出来,常常又会获得某种程度的新鲜感。
有言在先的法语:je l'avais dit d'avance./je me permets de vous le dire d'avance.