As the production schedule is assigned , any department must carry out unconditionally . the production dispatcher should follow in time the implementation of the plan of the workshop to feedback the problem in time and solve them asap . 3 加大综合检查力度,对那些有章不循违章违纪者给予相应的经济处罚及必要的行政处理,在企业内部真正形成一种纪律严明紧张有序积极进取的良好工作氛围。
From the system construction and technological medium , then use the experience of the current situation of usa fund management company " control system for reference . at last , it points out lots of problems of fund management company " s control system of china . such as : the law system about securities investment fund is not perfect 指出了我国基金管理公司存在的法律结构不完善,行政监管和行业自律存在缺陷,基金管理公司法人治理结构不健全,内部监控稽核部门未能产生应有作用,内部控制制度不健全、有章不循、违章操作、制度不落实,对决策者的决策权缺乏有效控制等问题。