- 有求于人 have to look to others for h ...
- 无权 have no right
- 挑剔 nitpick; be hypercritical; b ...
- 乞丐绝无挑选的权利 有求与人者无权挑剔 beggars can't be choosers
- 有求于人 have to look to others for help
- 泣求于人 implore sb. with tears
- 无求于人 need no help from others; be one's own master; independent
- 施惠于人者 obliger
- 我今天有求于兄弟们了 ifix
- 无负于人者常富有。 and he who owes nothing is rich
- 胜人者强,胜己者无往而不利。 he who gains a victory over other is strong
- 推卸责任者, 诿过于人者 buck-passer
- 无权 have no right 无权办理 have no right to handle; 无权干预 have no right to interfere; 无权过问 have no right to butt in [into]; not within one's jurisdiction 无权追索 without recourse
- 挑剔 nitpick; be hypercritical; be fastidious; cavil; upbraid; pick fault; make an abrupt, upward stroke 不要那么挑剔。 don't be so picky. 我对他的工作无可挑剔。 i have no fault to find with his work
- 所求于你 all i ask of you
- 我仅求于你 all i ask of you
- 无权的 impui ance; impuissance
- 无权利 no right
- 无权力 no power; powerlessness
- 爱挑剔 dainty
- 对…挑剔 be particular about; critical of
- 埋怨,挑剔 find fault
- 挑剔的 captious; censorious; choosy; fastidious - coarse; finicky; finikin; oldfashioned; old-womanish; particular; picky; selective
- 挑剔地 reprovingly
- 挑剔者 quibbler