He demonstrated the art . he folded , unfolded and refolded . he explained the intricate details , the need for sharp creases 他向人们示范着这门艺术- -折好,拆开,再折好,并向人们解释复杂的细节以及必须把折皱处弄得平滑光洁、有棱有角。
On a typical modern digital pcb assembly , for example , the parts are all squat rectangular components , and the traces are laid out with a precision only a computer could love 例如,在一块标准的数字印刷电路板上,所有的器件都是有棱有角的,布线的精度也只有计算机才可以完成。
He was surprised when the typed ones began to come back . his jaw seemed to become squarer , his chin more aggressive , and he bundled the manuscripts off to new editors 以前的稿件一退给他,他也立即打好送出,可他打好的稿件仍然给退了回来的时候他吃惊了,腮帮子似乎更有棱有角了,下巴似乎更咄咄逼人了。
The thousand roofs , dense , angular , clinging to each other , composed , nearly all , of the same geometrical element , offered , when viewed from above , the aspect of a crystallization of the same substance 那成千上万的屋顶密密麻麻,有棱有角,粘附紧贴,几乎都是由一几何原理构成的,俯瞰之下,呈现出同一物质的晶体状态。
有棱有角的韩语:【성어】 (1)모가 나 있다. 有棱有角的石头; 모난 돌 (2)예기(銳氣)나 재주가 밖으로 나타나다.