Too many people fail to realize that real communication goes in both directions . 许多人不理解真正的交流是有来有往的。
Friends may come and go , but enemies accumulate 朋友会有来有往,只有敌人会不断增加。
Coming and going it is 按著我们的话说,就是有来有往。
And between friends there is inevitably a kind of equality of give and take 此外,朋友之间必然要有来有往,互让互谅
" i had a job in newark until last october , " returned the other , with reciprocal feeling “我在纽瓦克有一份工作,直到去年的月份, ”另一个回答,觉得应该有来有往。
It link up to good at , is it make pieces of expansive speech house to mean while being what is called , the remarkable leader is clear , it must be a reciprocal two - way channel to communicate , could get the result of communicating 所谓善于沟通,并不是指做个滔滔不绝的演说家,卓越的领导者明白:沟通必须是条有来有往的双向管道,才能达到沟通的效果。