- conditional most favoured nation treatment
- 有条件 conditional
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 最惠国 most-favoured-nation
- 等待 wait; await
- 遇 meet
- 无条件的最惠国待遇 unconditional most-favoured-nation treatment
- 有条件最惠国待遇 bedingte meistbegünstigung
- 有条件最惠国待遇原则 conditional most-favored-nation treatment
- 无条件最惠国待遇 bedingungslose meistbegünstigung; unconditional most favored nation treatment
- 最惠国待遇 mfn most-favored nations; mfn treatment; mfn(most-favored-nation) treatment; most favored nation treatment(status); most favoured nation treatment; most-favored nation treatment-mfnt; most-favored-nation status; most-favored-nation treatment; most-favored-nation-treatment; most-favoured-nation clause; most-favoured-nation treatment
- 最惠国,最惠国待遇 mfn, most favored nation (status)
- 无条件最惠国待遇原则 unconditional most-favored-nation treatment
- 给予最惠国待遇 accord most favoured nation treatment
- 给中国最惠国待遇 give china the mfn
- 片面最惠国待遇 unilateral most-favoured-nation treatment
- 延长最惠国待遇 renew most-favoured nation status
- 一般最惠国待遇 general most-favoured-nation treatment
- 最惠国待遇及条款 most-favored nation treatment
- 最惠国待遇条款 mfnc (most favoured nation clause); most favored treatment clause; most-favored-nation clause; most-favored-nation-treatment clause
- 最惠国待遇原则 rule of most-favoured-nation treatment
- 双边的最惠国条款 mutual most-favored-nation clause
- 附有条件的 tied
- 有条件的 conditioned; provisory (conditional; provisional ) - unconditional
- 有条件的免 conditionally exempt
- (服务贸易)最惠国待遇例外 mfn exemptions