- 有条不紊 everything in good order and ...
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 有 5年 fifteen years
- 步骤 step; move; procedure; measu ...
- 有系统的成体系的;有条不紊的有步骤的 systematic
- 有条不紊的 a tidy room; businesslike; methodically; orderly adj
- 【航海】整洁的,有条不紊的。 bristol fashion
- 有条不紊的工作 do one’s work with regularity
- 有秩序的,有条不紊的 cosmic
- 办事有条不紊的工作者 a methodical worker organizer etc
- 有条不紊的, 纹理细密的 close-grained
- 有条不紊 everything in good order and well arranged; in perfect order; all in good order without confusion; arranged in an orderly way; in a well-ordered way; in good order; in applepie order; methodically; systematically; (everything) was carried out with the utmost propriety.; with regularity and thoroughness
- 有条不紊, 整齐 in good order
- 有工作热情和有条不紊的办事习惯 enthusiasm organized working-habits
- 细心有条不紊 mince mogul monsoon methodical
- 形成有条不紊 fall into place
- 有条不紊,高效率 businesslike
- 有计划有步骤的 systematica
- 按次序, 有条不紊地 in regular sequence
- 有条不紊,秩序井然 apple pie order
- 不紊的 ruly
- 步骤的架构 framework of steps
- 有步骤撤退 phased withdrawal
- 有步骤地 with measured strokes
- 逐步骤的过程 stby-steprocedure; step-by-steprocedure