Organic acids are normal constituents of most agricultural soils . 有机酸是大多数农业土壤中通常的组分。
Many organic acids are strongly compartmentalized in plant cells . 在植物细胞中,很多有机酸是被严格地分隔开的。
The organic acids produced in the upper horizons are soluble and mobile . 在土壤上层所产生的有机酸是水溶性的、流动性的。
Organic acids often have a profound effect on various chemical and biological processes in soil . 有机酸常常对土壤各种化学和生物学过程有着深远的影响。
The characteristics of tubular transport systems for organic compounds are described in detail in chapter 38 . 肾小管转运有机酸系统的特点将在第38章详述。
Organic acids can thus substantially affect the amounts and ratios of elements going into solution from minerals . 因此有机酸对各种元素从矿物进入溶液的数量和比率都起着重大的影响。
They include alkaloids, steroids, phenolics, saponins, tannins, resins, essential oils, various organic acids, and other componds . 它们包括生物碱、甾类化合物、酚类、皂角苷、丹宁、树脂、香精和各种有机酸,以及其他化合物。
And finally , the acids are converted to methane gas 最后,有机酸转化为沼气。
Studyies on hplc for determination of organic acids in wine 测定葡萄酒中有机酸方法的研究
Rubber , raw styrene - butadiene - determination of soap and organic - acid content 皂和有机酸含量的测定