润滑剂的整体熔点 bulk melting point of lubnricant; bulk melting point of lubricant
The 11 individuals must knit into an organic whole 球队里的11位成员必须抱成一团,形成有机的整体。
The universe itself is an organic whole , alive , intelligent , conscious , and divine 宇宙本身是一个有机的整体,具有生命力、智能、意识和神性。
Human resource management itself is an organic system on a whole , and performance appraisal plays key functions 人力资源管理是一个有机的整体,而绩效考评是其中的重要职能。
Organisms are being viewed as an integrated system . the properties emerged in systematic levels are being studied 这就需要将生物序列作为一个有机的整体,来考察其在系统层次上交现出来的整体特征。
Relationships between knowledge points are the ligament to connect the knowledge points to an organized integrity 知识点关系是连接领域知识库中知识点的纽带,它将领域知识库中的知识点连接成一个有机的整体。
At the same time , we also pay attention to close link of the three aspects by training , to form a systematic integration 在语文阅读教学过程中,同时,还要注意将这三个方面的训练密切结合起来,形成一个有机的整体。
Compared with the western medicine , tcm ' s characteristic lies primarily in its holism and treatment based on syndrome differentiation 它认为,人体与外界环境是一个统一的有机的整体,而人体本身又是这一巨大体系的缩影,也是一个统一的有机整体。
The three sections of the deepening of the security market are an organic entirety , which is a developing process without depending on the transferring of man ' s intention 证券市场深化的三个层次是一个有机的整体,是不以人的意志为转移的动态发展过程。
The four parts makes a whole organic part , its discussion is deeper gradually in logical , and the article is researching the new road of the regional and 四个部分在逻辑关系上层层深入,形成一个有机的整体,在理论与实践相结合的基础上探索区域性专业化对农广播的发展之路。
Four modules are independent , and collaborate with each other . they are integrated as a whole , and realize better the intelligence and self - adaptability of the system 各个模块彼此独立,又相互协作,构成了一个有机的整体,较好地实现了系统的智能性和自适应性。