有效力的 efficient rate; operative; potent a. strongly effective; probability; virtuous
效力 1.(效劳) render a service to; serve2.(事物所产生的有利作用) potence; effect; efficacy 这药因受潮失去了效力。 the drug has lost its potence by being exposed to moisture.3.(约束力) force; effect; avail 两种文本具有同等效力。 both texts are equally authentic
有效 effective; valid; efficacious 采取有效措施 take effective measures; 这张车票3日内有效。 this train ticket is valid for three days.; 有效半径 effective radius; 有效保险 insurance in force; 有效成分 active principle; active constituent; 有效范围 effective range; limits of validity; 有效功率 effective power; 有效能 available energy; 有效时间 effective time; net time; 有效寿命 useful life; actual life; 有效数字 significant digit; significant figure; 有效载荷 payload
I found the effects of this treaty presently . 我立刻看出这次谈判很有效力。
This creation ranks as one of the richest and most fruitful veins of thought ever struck in mathematics . 这个创造是数学中最丰富最有效力的设想之一。
As the visitor will soon learn for himself, the minority is not only heard; it is also very powerful and influential . 其实游客很快就会明白,少数派不但可以表达意见,而且还极有效力和影响力。
Learning war is against mandate of heaven and nature 这是一个神学上扭转工业革命最有效力的预言。
Most powerful aphrodisiac 最有效力的春药
Most powerful aphrodisiac 最有效力的春药
Structuring a system to achieve the organization ' s objectives in the most effective and efficient way 用最有效力和效率达到组织目标的方法来构建系统。
The inefficacy of single parts of the above terms and conditions is independent of the remaining sections 附加款以上所述营业规则的条款的有效力不受单一条款无效的影响。
Among all the relief measures , the judicial remedy is the final and the most effective remedy measures 在各种救济手段中,司法救济是最后的、也应当是最有效力的救济方式。