- adopt and discard with a critical eye
- 有 5年 fifteen years
- 批判地 critically; discriminatingly
- 取舍 accept or reject; make one's ...
- 批判地 critically; discriminatingly 批判地继承 critically inherit; 批判地吸收 critically assimilate; assimilate with discrimination; accept only that part of knowledge which has been subject to a critical analysis; take on a critical attitude towards all knowledge
- 没有批判 nonjudgement and forgiveness
- 批判地继承 critically inherit
- 批判地吸收 take on a critical attitude towards all knowledge
- 两个情人难以取舍 torn between two lovers
- 两个亲爱的难以取舍 torn between two lovers
- 批判地吸收与继承文化遗产 critically assimilating and inheriting cultural legacies 古为今用,洋为中用。make the past serve the present and the foreign serve china.中国是一个历史悠久、文化灿烂的多民族国家china is a multinational country with a long history and splendid culture
- 这可以用下面的提纲简短地加以概括 it may be briefly summarized in the following outline
- 加以 1.(加在多音的动词或由动词转成的名词前, 表示如何对待或处理前面提到的事物) 有问题要及时加以解决。 problems should be resolved in (good) time.2.(用作连词, 表示进一步的原因和条件; 加上) in addition; moreover
- 批判 1.(分析、否定错误的思想、言论或行为) criticize; repudiate 批判剽窃行为 criticize plagiarism2.(批评) critique: 《哥达纲领批判》 critique of the gotha programme; 批判会 criticism meeting; criticism session; 批判文章 critical article; 批判现实主义 critical realism; 批判哲学 critical philosophy
- 取舍率 cut off ratio
- 取舍权 option; refusal; refuse
- 库地加 goldingen; kuldiga; kuldīgas
- 良由取舍 indeed it is due to our choosing to accept or reject
- 取舍权衡 trade-off
- 取舍准则 editing criteria
- 权衡;作出取舍 trade-off
- 审判地点 venue
- 审判地法 rules of forum