- conscious control of the mind
- 有意 have a mind to; be disposed ...
- 控制 control; dominate; regulate; ...
- 意念 idea; thought
- 随意控制 volitional control; voluntary control
- 注意控制 attention control
- 注意控制训练 attention control training
- 意念控制 idiodynamics
- 意念控制的 idiodynamic
- 意念 idea; thought 每人脑子里都只有一个意念:“胜利!” there is but one idea in everybody's mind -- victory
- 有意 1.(有心思) have a mind to; be disposed to; be inclined to 有意帮忙 be inclined to help2.(故意) intentionally; purposely; deliberately 有意刁难 make things difficult for sb. on purpose; 有意的侮辱 calculated insult; 有意欺骗 being calculated to deceive; 有意歪曲 deliberately distort; 有意行为 intentional act
- 恶意控告 malicious prosecution
- 恶意控告, 诬告 malicious accusation
- 构想;意念 idea
- 随意念 follow the mind
- 意念;构想 idea
- 意念法 functional-notional approach
- 意念观 conceptualist view
- 意念术 mentalism
- 新意控股公司 sunevision holdings
- 初步意念 proposed solution
- 大可意念 duck image
- 符号意念 semiotic chora
- 集中意念 concentrate the mild; concentrate the mind; to collect one’s will
- 平和意念 peaceful purpose
- 意念奔逸 flight fo ideas; flight of ideas