心事 sth. weighing on one's mind; a load on one's mind; worry 好像有什么心事似的 seem to have sth. on one's mind; 了结一桩心事 take a load off one's mind; 说明心事 disclose [say; speak; tell] one's mind; 我把我的心事告诉了他。 i told him of what was on my heart. 我国人民有两件心事。 there are two matters of great concern to our people
有心 1.(有某种想法) have a mind to; set one's mind on; have the intention of; intend to 有心人 one who sets his mind on doing sth. useful; 我有心去看看他, 又怕打扰他。 i intended to visit him, but i was afraid i would disturb him.2.(故意) deliberately; purposely 他可不是有心难为你。 he didn't purposely make things difficult for you
有心情 in the vein (for) 我今天没有心情写作。 i'm not in the vein for writing today
有心人 an observant and conscientious person; a person who sets his mind on doing sth. useful; a person with high aspirations and determination 世上无难事, 只怕有心人。 nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind on it
He was wise in reading faces, and saw at once that the youth was troubled . 他善于察言观色,一眼就看出这个年轻人有心事。
Andrew, lisa and bruce listened attentively, but celia, preoccupied with private memories, found her thoughts wandering and caught only snatches . 安德鲁、莉萨和布鲁斯都听得很用心,然而,西莉亚却因为有心事,注意力集中不起来,断断续续地听到几句。
- turn that shit off , lou . - a lot on your mind -别看这些狗屎,罗-你有心事?
And said we ' d always tell each other everything 如果我们彼此有心事的话都要告诉对方
And said we ' d always tell each other everything 如果我们彼此有心事的话都要告诉对方
And said we ' d always tell each other everything 如果我们彼此有心事的话都要告诉对方
And said we ' d always tell each other everything 如果我们彼此有心事的话都要告诉对方
I have the concern , i thought of how the human has handled 我有心事,我想念人了怎么办好呢?
You ' re obviously worried about something ; why not get it off your chest 你显然有心事,何不一吐为快