- visible exports and imports
- 有形 tangible; visible
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 商品 commodity; goods; merchandis ...
- 进出口 imports and exports exits an ...
- 有形进出口 visible export and import; visible exports and imports
- 有形贸易(指商品的进出口贸易) visibletrade
- 纺织品进出口公司 textiles import and export corporation; textilesimport and export corporation
- 纺织品进出口商会 ccct
- 机电产品进出口司 mechanical & electrical products import & export department
- 安徽工艺品进出口公司 anhui arts & crafts imp. & exp.corp
- 波兰纺织品进出口公司 textilimpex
- 波兰化学药品进出口公司 centrala importwa exportwa chemikal; centrala importwa-exportwa chemikal; ciech
- 波兰农产品进出口公司 agros; rolimpex
- 非纺织品进出口签证 non-textiles import and export licensing
- 甘肃农副产品进出口公司 gansu provincial farm side line products import & export corp; gansu provincial farm side-line products import & export corp
- 广东食品进出口企业集团 guangdong foodstuffs import and export enterprise group
- 国营农产品进出口公司 national corp. for import & export of agricultural products
- 化工产品进出口公司 chemapol; imports & exports chemicals
- 化工产品进出口企业 hompro
- 化学药品进出口公司 ciech; imports & exports chemicals & pharmaceutical co
- 粮油食品进出口公司 cereals oil and foodstuffs import and export corporation; cereals, oil and foodstuffs import and export corporation; cereals, oiland foodstuffs import and export corporation
- 林化产品进出口公司 forest chemical products import and export corporation
- 岭南美术用品进出口公司 ling nan artistic supplies import & export co
- 农畜产品进出口公司 export & import of cattle & agricultural products; terimpex
- 轻工业品进出口公司 light industrial products import and export corporation; lightindustrial products import and export corporation