好多 1.(许多) a good many; a good deal; a great many; a lot of 有好多事要做 have a good many things to do; 他有好多朋友。 he has a host of friends.2.[方言](问数量;多少) how many; how much 今天到会的人有好多 ? how many came to the meeting today? 剩下好多 ? how much is left
我无须回答问题,省了好多事。(没回答) i didn't need to answer the questions,which saved a lot of trouble
多事 1.(管闲事) meddlesome 你不必多事。 don't be meddling. 怪我多事。 i shouldn't have poked my nose into this.; i shouldn't have interfered.2.(事故多) eventful
There ' s a hundred things we gotta do tomorrow 明天有好多事要做呢