- 有 5年 fifteen years
- 多层 multichamber; multilayer; mu ...
- 看台 bleachers; stand; grandstand
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 露天 under the open sky
- 运动场 athletic field; sports groun ...
- 多层坐席露天运动场 stadion'o:stadium
- 露天运动超 sports stadium
- 露天看台的观众 bleacherite
- 露天运动项目 open air sports; open-air sports
- 运动场四周看台 enclosure
- 露天大型运动场 stadium
- 剧场或运动场看台入口 vomitorium; vomitory
- 露天看台 bleachers
- 有看台的球场 stadium
- 运动场 athletic field; athletic ground; athletics ground; exercise yard; farmyard; forum; game court; gymkhana; paddock; park; playgrounds; playing field; schoolyard; sport field; sport ground; sports ground; stadium
- 露天看台地面 stadium surfaces
- 天天运动会 sportslife
- 正面看台的座位 box seat
- 有多层楼的 multistorey; multistory
- 露天看台上的观众 bleacherite
- 街区内的露天场所 open space in a block
- 来到238米的露天塔顶 we went to the toof the tower which is metres high
- 手车运输的露天矿 barrow pit
- 冰上运动场 ice arena; ice rink; ice stadium