enjoy great popularity among the people; accounts of one's heroic deeds circulated among the people; be praised by the people; be universally acclaimed; everyone sings about sb.'s good administration.; one's name being spoken by everyone; proverbial; win universal praise
有口难分 find it hard [difficult] to vindicate oneself; be hard to explain
有口难言 unable to speak in self-defense [self-justification] under certain circumstances; cannot bring oneself to mention sth.; dare not to say; find it hard or embarrassing to bring up a matter; hard to bring up a matter
有口无心 promise with no intention of doing; be sharp-tongued but not malicious; partial to speaking of others but with no bad intention; speak good words but be unsympathetic; say what one does not mean; say sharp things but cherish no malice
有苦难说 find it hard to tell about one's suffering [difficulty]
That cannot escape discussion in a minihistory of dna . 这在DNA的研究史上是有口皆碑的。
The phrase "the war to end war" was on every lip . “为消灭战争而战”一语,已有口皆碑。
This is one of the first american poems to be widely praised in europe . 这是在欧洲有口皆碑的美国早期诗歌之一。
One of the first american poems to be widely praised in europe, written by william cullen bryant(1794-1878)in 1815, was addressed to that ubiquitous bird, the water-fowl . 最初在欧洲有口皆碑的美国诗里面,有一首是威廉卡伦布莱恩特(1794-1878)在一八一五年写的,歌唱那种常见的水鸟。
As a result, these revenues were already quadrupled, and yet the burden was so much more equally distributed than before, that all the kingdom felt a sense of relief, and the praises of my administration were hearty and general . 结果呢,收入早已增加了四倍,负担却分配得比从前均匀得多,全国人民都如解倒悬,对于我的仁政,真是颂扬载道,有口皆碑。
Our company is well - established and reliable 我们公司有口皆碑且信用可靠。
That cannot escape discussion in a minihistory of dna 这在dna的研究史上是有口皆碑的。
We are trying to enrich hainan ' s catering culture and make “ jinghao ” to be a long - lasting famous brand 其精美的菜肴、优良的服务及先进的管理在海南有口皆碑。
She had the vices of her virtues but her constant generosity and unselfishness were felt by all around her 尽管她有不足之处,但她一贯大方与无私却是有口皆碑的。
Respect of electronic business affairs , euramerican day the credence of this a few countries all along win universal praise 电子商务方面,欧美日这几国的信用一向有口皆碑。
有口皆碑的俄语:[yǒu kǒu jiē bēi] обр. получить всеобщее признание; быть у всех на устах
有口皆碑什么意思:yǒu kǒu jiē bēi 【解释】比喻人人称赞。 【出处】宋·释普济《五灯会元·宝峰文禅师法嗣·太平安禅师》:“劝君不用镌顽石,路上行人口似碑。” 【拼音码】ykjb 【灯谜面】小和尚念经 【用法】主谓式;作谓语、宾语、定语;含褒义 【英文】one's name being in every mouth