有利必有弊 everything has its advantages as well as disadvantages.; advantages are inevitably accompanied by disadvantages.; where there are advantages there are also disadvantages
高新技术对我们既有利又有弊 high and new technology may helus and also harm us
有利 advantageous; beneficial; favourable 有利于集体 advantageous to the collective; 有利于健康 beneficial to health; 有利于改进领导作风 help improve the style of leadership; 有利的机遇 good opportunity; opportunity time; 有利于国计民生 be beneficial to national welfare and the people's livelihood; 有利于打败侵略者 contribute to the defeat of the aggressors; 有利地位 catbird seat; 有利地形 [军事] favourable terrain; 有利汇兑 favourable exchange; 有利价格 remunerative price; 有利时机 opportune time; 有利条件 favourable condition; advantage; 有利投资 lucrative investment
无私有弊 being in an awkward position, one who has no corrupt practices is liable to be under suspicion.; susceptible to accusations of irregularities due to poor handling although no irregularities are involved
对有利 in one's favour(=to one's advantage); to the advantage of sb
There are two sides to every question 每个问题都有正反两面;凡事皆有利有弊。
Such a manoeuvre could cut both ways 这种策略有利有弊。
There are pros and cons to e - work for both the employer and employee 对雇主和员工而言,电子工作有利有弊。
Let robot and real one be also a favourable matter that has fraud together originally 本来让机器人和真人在一起也是一件有利有弊的事。
In this thesis the connected business conducted by companies on the market is discussed in details 关联交易是关联方参与的交易。关联交易有利有弊。
Setting off fireworks has its advantages and disadvantages , so we should set off fire - works limitedly 燃放烟花爆竹有利有弊,所以我们应该有所限制。
However , the system contains advantages and disadvantages , it is bias to copy entirely or to deny completely 但是,沉默权制度有利有弊,完全照搬照抄或者全盘否定都是偏颇的。
I know . i should really get a life . but it provides great sales lessons . good and bad 我知道我本应该做些别的什么有用的事情,但是这其实提供了相当好的销售培训的机会。有利有弊吧。
There are pros and cons for retaining some discretion in the determination of the intervention level on the strong side 金管局现时就汇率偏强时进行干预的水平保留某些酌情空间,是有利有弊的做法。