- 有关 have sth. to do with; have a ...
- 股本 capital stock; capital; stoc ...
- 有关股份 relevant shares
- 股本 capital stock; capital; stock; equity◇股本比率 ratio of capital stock; 股本持有比例 capital shares apportionment; 股本投资 equity investment; 股本折价 discount on capital stock; 股本证明书 certificate of capital stock; 股本资本 equity capital
- 相关股份 underlying shares
- 有关 have sth. to do with; have a bearing on; relate to; concern; be in [with] relation to; involve; have relations with; in the way of; in [with] regard to; be connected with; in connection with; be [get; keep] in with 有关地理方面的书籍 books about geography; 有关人员 persons concerned; 有关全局 have a bearing on the situation as a whole; 这些问题都跟哲学有关。 all these questions relate to philosophy. 这与你有关。 this has sth. to do with you.; 有关部门 the department concerned; 有关当局 the authorities concerned; the proper authorities; 有关当事人 the party concerned; 有关方面 the parties concerned; 有关事实 relevant facts; 有关文件 the relevant documents; 有关证件 pertinent certificate; 有关证据 relevant testimony; 有关主管机关 competent authority; 有关组织 related organization
- 股本表 statement of capital stock
- 股本额 amount of share capital
- 股本金 equity capital
- 股本税 capital stock tax
- 股本油 equity crude; equity oil
- 股本帐 capital stock account
- 股本值 value of capital stock
- 总股本 general capital; shareholding equity; total capital stock
- 额定股本, 核定股本, 法定股本 authorized capital stock
- 票面股本;额定股本;名义股本 nominal capital
- 核定的股本, 法定股本 aurhorized captial stock
- 核定股本,法定股本 authorized capital stock
- 认缴股本;认购股本 capital stock su cription; capital stock subscription; ion
- 实缴股本,投入股本 capital paid-in
- 已缴股本, 实收股本 capital stock paid-up
- 已缴足股本,缴清股本 paid-up capital
- 已认股本, 认定股本 subscribed capital stock
- 注册股本;法定股本 authorised capital; authorized capital; registered capital
- 注册股本;名义股本 nominal share capital