

  • employable



  • 例句与用法
  • Weapons and valuable farming tools were traded to the indians for small amounts of food . wood from people ' s homes was burned for heat . there were no crops , and no hope
  • According to the nature of capital and investment system , the paper discussed several management measures with functional value such as the effective management of capital in kind , the effective management of capital of property right , specially permitted management , bot management and management of invisible capital and exploitation of estate . these measures can be referred and adopted by freeway managers in practice
    根据高速公路资本的性质及融资方式的不同,探讨了实物资本的有效经营、产权资本的运营、特许经营、 bot经营和无形资本经营,物业开发等几种有使用价值的经营策略,供高速公路管理者在实际运营中参考选用。
  • Article 10 the " substandard " goods that fail to achieve the requirements of the related state standards , but still have some use value , cannot be marketed at reduced price until having obtained the approval from the competent authorities of the manufacturer ; and on the package there must be clearly marked with the words of " substandard goods "
    第十条达不到国家的有关标准规定等级、仍有使用价值的“处理品” ,经企业主管机关批准后,方可降价销售,在产品和包装上必须标出显著的“处理品”字样。
  • 推荐英语阅读
有使用价值的的英文翻译,有使用价值的英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译有使用价值的,有使用价值的的英文意思,有使用價值的的英文有使用价值的 meaning in English有使用價值的的英文有使用价值的怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
